Fully Restored Podcast is a weekly conversation where we discuss all things on restoration and healing for our soul wounds. We will talk with guests who have experienced life difficulties and learn how they became overcomers and are now thriving in their lives. Join our host, Kristin Clouse, a counselor, pastor, published author, and trauma and life coach as we dig deep into those hard topics and find beauty for our ashes. As the founder of The Restore Movement, she leads women into freedom and healing, a close personal walk with Christ, and into the fullness of who God created each to be.

Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Episode 79 - Finding Hope Once Again
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Join Kristin and her guest Sarah Geringer as they discuss the difficult topic of emotional abuse. Sarah shares her difficult story of emotional abuse in her childhood and in her past marriage. Sarah bravely brings us into her journey of healing, the work she has and continues to do in her restoration process, and gives us first step tips for our own journey of healing and restoration. Whether you have experienced emotional abuse in your life or recognize some unhealthy patterns in your own life, this episode is for you.
About Our Guest:
Sarah Geringer is a writer, speaker, podcaster, artist, book launch manager, creative coach, and author of five books, with another publishing in fall 2022. She is on the devotional writing teams for Proverbs 31 Ministries, Hope-Full Living, Kingdom Edge Magazine, and Woman 2 Woman Ministries. When she’s not reading over 100 books per year, Sarah enjoys painting, baking, gardening, and playing the flute. Her daily must-haves are hot tea, dark chocolate, and fresh flowers. She is a fifth-generation resident of southeast Missouri, where she lives with her three teens and beloved Labrador retriever.
Sarah writes about finding peace in God’s Word at sarahgeringer.com
Follow Sarah on:

Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Episode 78 - Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Kris Camealy and I dive into the topic of Imposter Syndrome. Kris shares her own experienced with Imposter Syndrome and the impact it has had on her life, her creativity, and her purpose in life. Kris has learned to identify it, to recognize when it’s triggered, and how to protect her heart and mind from the traps of Imposter Syndrome thoughts.
About Our Guest:
Kris Camealy is the author of multiple books, as well as the founder and director of Refine {the retreat}, a five-time sold out women’s event in central Ohio. Kris’s writing has been featured on numerous websites, and shared broadly across social media platforms. She is a sought-after speaker, teacher and mentor.

Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Episode 77 - Maureen Hager: Surviving a Biker Gang
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Join me and my guest, Maureen Hager, as she shares her story of life in a biker gang. Maureen shares of her painful journey of brokenness and trauma when she was wounded in a biker gang war. From victim to restored, Maureen’s story will inspire you that God’s love is here for us all, no matter where or what our lives were once at. Her journey can be found in her new book: Love’s Bullet.
About Our Guest:
Maureen Hager is a survivor and an overcomer living a restored life in God’s transforming love. Once a wounded victim in a biker gang war, her painful journey of brokenness and trauma brought her deliverance and a hopeful life in Christ. She is the author of Love’s Bullet ~ A Wounded Victim in a Biker Gang War Transformed by God’s Love. She has written numerous articles and is a contributing author in several books, including She Writes for Him ~ Stories of Living Hope.
Maureen is an inspirational speaker who loves to share the depth of God’s redemptive love to all who seek Him, no matter how troubled their past. Maureen is living a restored life with her husband Tom of 39 years in western North Carolina. They enjoy spending time with their two grown daughters and two fun-filled grandchildren.
Website: www.MaureenHager.com
Books: www.LovesBullet.com

Thursday Mar 24, 2022
Episode 76 - A Redemptive Story of Hope
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
Join Kristin and her guest, Angie Baughman, as they discuss the difficult topic of abuse. Angie bravely shares her story of being sexually abused by her band teacher and of the rejection and unkind treatment by those in the community who sided with him once the news became public. Angie’s beautiful transformation has led her to now minister to those who have been wounded. Angie shares with us the 5 R’s that help others in talking to their triggers. Angie is a beautiful soul who will inspire, encourage and impart courage to all who listen to her story.
About Our Guest:
Angie is a trauma and abuse survivor and speaks openly about her ongoing journey towards deeper healing. Angie loves planning trips to Walt Disney World, sipping cups of hot tea, and watching medical or crime dramas. She lives in Southern Illinois with her husband, Matt, and two sons, Alex (17) and Josh (12). Angie is a licensed pastor and trained in leading inductive Bible study through Precept ministries. She regularly writes, speaks, and teaches on knowing and living by God's promises. She is the author of two Bible studies, host of the weekly Steady On podcast, and creator of the Step By Step Bible study method. She serves as an Intern on Kathi Lipp's ministry team and an Academy Mentor for FlourishWriters.
Website and link for Talk to Your Triggers download: https://linktr.ee/livesteadyon

Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Episode 75 - Struggles of a Parent with Special Needs Children
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Join Kristin and her guest, Kristin Faith Evans, on today’s episode of Fully Restored Podcast. Kristin shares with us the adjustments and struggles she has had as a mom raising two children with special needs. Kristin’s journey became so overwhelming as her depression increased to the point where she attempted to take her own life. God moved in her behalf and Kristin woke up in ICU where her life was changed and she began the process of finding the right help and support for the journey of restoring her life. Some tips Kristin shares today are:
Believe there is hope and you will once again find joy.
Finding connection and support in your journey.
Seek pastoral and mental health counseling.
Find little moments to live in. Practice gratitude for simple moments
About Our Guest:
Kristin is an author, a speaker, a Licensed Masters Social Worker, and a mother of two children with rare genetic disorders and complex needs. Her greatest passion is walking with others on their journeys to deeper faith and mental health wholeness. Her mission is to empower other parents of children with special needs and disabilities through her blog www.SpecialNeedsMomsBlog.com. Kristin also loves ministering to other couples with her husband, Todd, at conferences and through writing articles and their new book. Kristin has written for Key Ministry, Different Dream Living, The Joyful Life Magazine, Alive Now, and The Upper Room. She has her Masters in Christian Spiritual formation with over a decade of serving in ministry and has clinical experience in individual, couples and family, substance abuse, and crisis counseling. She lives with her husband and their two children in the Nashville, TN area. When she’s not enjoying life with her family, writing, or working with clients, you can find her training for triathlons, reading, or simply being out in nature.

Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Episode 74 - Rescued by Jesus - Part 2
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Join Kristin and her guest, Jennifer Beagle, in a two part series, as they discuss her powerful story of being rescued by Jesus from a life of abuse, addiction, trauma, homelessness, and trapped in sex trafficking. Her story and passion for Jesus will inspire, encourage, and minister to you. Jennifer shares with us how Jesus saved and transformed her and is now using her mightily for the Kingdom of God. Part 2 of our two part series.
About Our Guest:
Jennifer Beagle is originally from Gainesville, FL and now lives in Kentucky. She travels and shares her story of God’s perfect plan, unfailing love, and redemption. Jennifer has been the founder of three non-profit organizations and has mentored hundreds of men and women out of destructive lifestyles. She was the founder of the House of Hope for women in Gainesville, FL, a 14 bed residential facility. Jennifer is currently the Director of Family Support Services at Safe Passage, an organization for trafficked and sexually exploited teen boys and girls.
She is the founder and CEO of Her Hope Kentucky, a residential home for young adults coming out of sex trafficking, drug addiction, and aging out of foster care. For years, she has worked closely with local law enforcement, FBI, courts, and CPS to promote healing and freedom for survivors of sex trafficking, drug addiction, and traumatic backgrounds. Jennifer has aired on Florida’s Joy FM Radio multiple times, appeared on the Christian Television Network and in the nationally acclaimed magazine “The Pentecostal Evangel” as well as “Victorious Living Magazine.” Having once been on North Central Florida’s most wanted list with a reward for her capture, she now has been in Gainesville’s “Home Magazine,” voted number 7 of “Gainesville’s Top 25 Most Interesting People” and nominated for the “Gainesville Spirit Award.” Jennifer has also won the prestigious and highest National FBI Award in 2017 “FBI’s Director’s Community Leadership Award” which is an award given by Washington DC’s FBI director, Chris Raye. Most recently, Jennifer’s story of being trafficked herself was featured on CBN’s The 700 Club.
Jennifer has one biological son and two adopted children from the Florida foster-care system. She also has four grandchildren, which are her life. Jennifer uses her voice of “NEVER GIVE UP” to encourage others that they too can press through the hard circumstances of life and become someone great! Jennifer has traveled all around the world telling her story of redemption!”

Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Episode 73 - Rescued by Jesus - Part 1
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Join Kristin and her guest, Jennifer Beagle, in a two part series, as they discuss her powerful story of being rescued by Jesus from a life of abuse, addiction, trauma, homelessness, and trapped in sex trafficking. Her story and passion for Jesus will inspire, encourage, and minister to you. Jennifer shares with us how Jesus saved and transformed her and is now using her mightily for the Kingdom of God. Part 1 of our two part series.
About Our Guest:
Jennifer Beagle is originally from Gainesville, FL and now lives in Kentucky. She travels and shares her story of God’s perfect plan, unfailing love, and redemption. Jennifer has been the founder of three non-profit organizations and has mentored hundreds of men and women out of destructive lifestyles. She was the founder of the House of Hope for women in Gainesville, FL, a 14 bed residential facility. Jennifer is currently the Director of Family Support Services at Safe Passage, an organization for trafficked and sexually exploited teen boys and girls.
She is the founder and CEO of Her Hope Kentucky, a residential home for young adults coming out of sex trafficking, drug addiction, and aging out of foster care. For years, she has worked closely with local law enforcement, FBI, courts, and CPS to promote healing and freedom for survivors of sex trafficking, drug addiction, and traumatic backgrounds. Jennifer has aired on Florida’s Joy FM Radio multiple times, appeared on the Christian Television Network and in the nationally acclaimed magazine “The Pentecostal Evangel” as well as “Victorious Living Magazine.” Having once been on North Central Florida’s most wanted list with a reward for her capture, she now has been in Gainesville’s “Home Magazine,” voted number 7 of “Gainesville’s Top 25 Most Interesting People” and nominated for the “Gainesville Spirit Award.” Jennifer has also won the prestigious and highest National FBI Award in 2017 “FBI’s Director’s Community Leadership Award” which is an award given by Washington DC’s FBI director, Chris Raye. Most recently, Jennifer’s story of being trafficked herself was featured on CBN’s The 700 Club.
Jennifer has one biological son and two adopted children from the Florida foster-care system. She also has four grandchildren, which are her life. Jennifer uses her voice of “NEVER GIVE UP” to encourage others that they too can press through the hard circumstances of life and become someone great! Jennifer has traveled all around the world telling her story of redemption!””

Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Episode 72 - Letting Go of Old Labels in Your Life
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Many of us live our lives under labels or names from past experiences, choices we have made, things others have done to us, or words others have spoken about us. Join Kristin today as she talks about moving out from under those negative labels or names and discovering who we are through Christ. Friends, if you find you struggle with victim, negative, generational, or stinking thinking, then this show is for you. Kristin dives into the story of Jabez and walks with us through these verses to see how we too can live in the fullness of who God created us to be.
Resource Link: https://www.kristinclouse.com & https://www.Podcast.FullyRestored.love
About The Host:
Kristin’s story is one of redemption, healing, and restoration. As a child and teen, she experienced sexual abuse and addiction, and as a young adult, she had a life-changing encounter with Jesus, her Savior, who forever changed her life. She is a licensed professional counselor, pastor, podcaster, and life coach who answered the call to journey with women as they discover freedom, healing, and restoration from life difficulties. She is the author of Healing for our Soul Gardens: Restoration and Wholeness After Sexual Abuse. She is a contributing author for the recently released She Writes for Him: Stories of Resilient Faith book. Additional writings of Kristin’s have appeared in Angela Craig’s book, Under One Umbrella, HerVoice Blog at NWMN, and for The Restore Movement online bible studies.
Whether she is speaking at a conference, retreat, or workshop, Kristin shares the love and restorative power of Jesus and teaches others to grow in their relationship with God. Kristin has been married for over 32 years, is the mother of 2 adult children, grandmother of 5 grandchildren, and her ever-growing family, all of who she adores.

Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Episode 71 - Freedom from Growing up in a Cult - Part 2
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Join Kristin and her guest, Anna LeBaron as they discuss life growing up as one of fifty children by her father who was a polygamist cult leader. Anna bravely shares her story of her childhood and how her life was transformed and healed as she surrendered her life to Jesus. Her story is one that you will want to share with your friends. Many have grown up in abusive or neglected homes and just like Anna are in need of deep healing from those past wounds. Her story will inspire and encourage you on your own journey of healing. This is Part 2 of a 2 Part Interview.
About Our Guest:
One of more than fifty children of infamous, polygamist cult leader, Ervil LeBaron, Anna LeBaron endured abandonment, horrific living conditions, child labor, and sexual grooming. At age thirteen, she escaped the violent cult, gave her life to Christ, and sought healing. A speaker, author coach, and book launch expert, she's passionate about helping others walk in freedom. Anna lives in the DFW Metroplex and loves being Mom to five grown children and Yaya to her first grandchild.

Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Episode 70 - Freedom from Growing up in a Cult - Part 1
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Join Kristin and her guest, Anna LeBaron as they discuss life growing up as one of fifty children by her father who was a polygamist cult leader. Anna bravely shares her story of her childhood and how her life was transformed and healed as she surrendered her life to Jesus. Her story is one that you will want to share with your friends. Many have grown up in abusive or neglected homes and just like Anna are in need of deep healing from those past wounds. Her story will inspire and encourage you on your own journey of healing. This is Part 1 of a 2 Part Interview.
About Our Guest:
One of more than fifty children of infamous, polygamist cult leader, Ervil LeBaron, Anna LeBaron endured abandonment, horrific living conditions, child labor, and sexual grooming. At age thirteen, she escaped the violent cult, gave her life to Christ, and sought healing. A speaker, author coach, and book launch expert, she's passionate about helping others walk in freedom. Anna lives in the DFW Metroplex and loves being Mom to five grown children and Yaya to her first grandchild.